Madeleine Hopper

From: Madeleine Hopper <>
Date: Sep 11, 2006 12:31 AM
Subject: justified medicated

Hecame and stood at Ramóns side, glancing up into Ramóns face. And the perfect sleep of the Snake I Am is the plasm of a man, whois whole. Serpent of the earth, he said; snake that lies in the fire atthe heart of the world, come! You are like the cool morning, veryfresh. In thethree-pronged fork at the top he laid a piece of flat, slightlyhollow lava stone. Then he said:Sit down a moment, before the Bird shakes water out of his wings. But then she was afraid of what might happen to her, and she caughther hand up into her shawl. Someone will knock when the door is shut, Ay! Theitching, prurient, KNOWING, imagining eye, I am cursed with it, Iam hampered up in it. Yellow as daffodilsunderneath, two birds emerged out of their own invisibility.

I am far beyond The horizons of love and strife. In a momenttwo or three men came running. And the dream of the phallos reaches the great I Know Not. When they settled for amoment and closed their wings, they disappeared, for they were greyon top. These people, smaller than dust, he says, they stampon me and say I am dead. And itseemed as if really a mysterious presence had entered unseen fromthe underworld. I tell you the earth you dig is alive as asnake that sleeps. Given one little vulnerable chink, they would pierce him. Only his living keeps thesoil sweet, that grows you maize. Cipriano glanced up with thatpeculiar glance of primitive intimacy. They have got more than I,they have a richness that I havent got. Oh, who will free me from the grappling of my eyes, fromthe impurity of sharp sight! You are like the cool morning, veryfresh. The trees put forth their leaves in their sleep, and floweringemerge out of dreams, into pure I Am. Hearing Ramóns voice, Carlota appeared uneasily in a doorway.